REMBE®Q-BALL® E Flameless venting

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Maximum relief effectiveness, minimum weight for elevators.
The Q-Ball® E guarantees safe explosion pressure relief in the operating area. Efficient cooling inside the Q-Ball® E prevents the flames from escaping and eliminates pressure effects as a result of the explosion. The connecting dimensions of the Q-Ball® E perfectly complement the standard sizes of mechanical conveyors such as elevators. This avoids the need for work-intensive adjustments of the flanges. Due to the low weight of the Q-Ball® E, any reinforcements becomes unnecessary. With the newly developed principle of full body flameless venting, the Q-Ball® E ensures maximum relief efficiency. The necessary relief area can thus be reduced to a minimum.
The Q-Ball® E is suitable for flameless venting of mechanical conveyors with low design strength such as elevators. Explosions with KSt values up to 200 bar × m/s can be handled.
Product specifications
- Maximum venting efficiency through a full body flameless venting.
- Easy maintenance through an integrated inspection opening.
- Integrated signaling unit for reliable monitoring.
- Can be utilized indoors or outdoors.