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Cost effective passive isolation of dust collectors and cyclones
Q-Flap NX explosion isolation valve can be used to isolate explosions effectively in virtually all industries. The Q-Flap NX is suitable in filter lines with horizontal ductwork.
The Q-Flap NX ensures reliable explosion isolation to protect your plant and minimize the effects of an explosion.
Product specifications
- Meets or exceeds NFPA standard 69 requirements
- Fully certified in accordance with ATEX requirements
- Flexible use in your process: Q-Flap NX is available for all standard nominal diameters up to DN 1000
- Inspection cover opens easily for maintenance without completely removing the device
- Is suitable for up to ST3 dusts
- Monitoring of flap position and dust accumulation are standard
- Other options available upon request
- During normal operation, the Q-Flap NX device remains opened due to magnets integrated inside the valve. The flap will close in the event of an explosion.
- In the event of an explosion in any of the downstream equipment, the pressure wave will propagate towards the Q-Flap NX. This pressure wave will force the flap closed, preventing the explosion from propagating to other upstream processes. Employees working at capturing points or system components upstream of the Q-Flap NX are protected against the effects of the explosion. The flap locking mechanism prevents the flap from reopening shortly after the explosion due to the low pressure created in its aftermath.